We’ve got about 20-30 of them, they are impossible to get a count of with their constant movement. Blue wings hoppin’ and boppin’ with their black head crest flopping one way and another. The crest gives them an expressive to goofy look in their bold bird feeder raids. As one of the most noticeable, in-your-face, noisy, and brash birds of the foothills, the Steller’s Jay is a common sight
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Steller's Jay
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We’ve got about 20-30 of them, they are impossible to get a count of with their constant movement. Blue wings hoppin’ and boppin’ with their black head crest flopping one way and another. The crest gives them an expressive to goofy look in their bold bird feeder raids. As one of the most noticeable, in-your-face, noisy, and brash birds of the foothills, the Steller’s Jay is a common sight