Of the large animals (over 50lbs) in the Foothills of Colorado, the most commonly seen is the Mule Deer. You can tell a tourist to the area as they are stopped on the side of the road to get pictures of an animal that the locals see almost more often than squirrels. We all just hope to avoid hitting a deer on a dark night. (More than 2500 deer in Colorado are killed by cars each year, that’s almost 8 per day!)
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Oh, Deer!
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Of the large animals (over 50lbs) in the Foothills of Colorado, the most commonly seen is the Mule Deer. You can tell a tourist to the area as they are stopped on the side of the road to get pictures of an animal that the locals see almost more often than squirrels. We all just hope to avoid hitting a deer on a dark night. (More than 2500 deer in Colorado are killed by cars each year, that’s almost 8 per day!)