I stood with my coffee cup, scritching the cat, and then saw the reflection in the pond. A dark oval shape topped with the long s-curve neck and bill. The elusive heron was taking his breakfast of the thousands of minnows in our small pond.
If I were to go grab my good camera, he would be gone. If I were to step out on the deck to watch him, he would be gone. So, through a window in need of cleaning, I could only take distant phone pictures, but the moment was made not for a camera, but to simply watch.
He kept his belly above the water’s surface, making no wake, no ripples in his movements. The ripples in the water came from the sloppy mallards nearby, but the heron moved slowly, his still reflection the evidence of his statue stance. His legs moved slowly, methodically, to not disturb the minnows. His long legs, simply reed stalks to the minnows. He’s staring downward, into the water.
Stab! Up comes a minnow and down his throat. The minnows regroup, not knowing where their companion just went. The heron waits. One leg inches forward, so slowly, then the other. The water does not give away his presence. Stab! Another minnow taken.
Time to wait again. The process repeats over and over. Wait and stab. Wait and stab. A dozen or so stabs later… I’ve been watching for 10 minutes or so now, perhaps I can step out to the deck to see him better. I open the sliding door as slowly as he moved through the pond. So far, so good. I try to move through the door out to the deck, and he’s onto me. His massive pterodactyl wings open and lift off, heading to the next pond.

Some moments were meant to only watch. Maybe someday I’ll get decent pictures.
Thank you for stopping by. While my normal life is full with my paying job, other volunteer work, and family time, I write these posts out of my own naturalist curiosity, and love of writing and photography. Many times, this blog has to take a back seat to my other obligations, but I always have the next post on my mind. My subject matter is limitless! If you have enjoyed these posts, I would, shyly, ask for your support of my work here. Please consider subscribing or upgrading to a paid subscription, and do share what you have enjoyed. I am looking at some benies for paid subscribers of artwork from Itsthemoonart©️, who’s artwork has appeared in other posts and my logo (my naturalist-artist daughter and content advisor) and other ideas. I am very thankful for all my subscribers and supporters! Oh! And please let me know if you have ideas you’d like to see a post about!
Thanks for sharing these Abert Essays- Sometimes I'd catch a bird mid-flight and I wonder what they're thinking. Hope your week is off to a great start. :)
Anytime I am able to watch a Great Blue, whether it is only a glimpse from a car window or watching one ever so slowly , stalk along a shoreline. It is always magical. I saw my first one of the season just this morning in ‘freeze frame’ on a large boulder. You are right. Nature does not give us a moment to fumble with a camera or take a phone out of a pocket. So, I appreciate you trying to capture the moment just to share with us. The only times the moment is ruined, is when I might say to a friend in a whisper; look over there, a Great blue. And the response, without even a glance , “I’ve seen one before “. Note to self, hmm…